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Free Piso WiFi Voucher Code Generator

Piso WiFi vouchers are 8-character unique codes consisting of letters (A to Z) and numbers (0 to 9), without special characters

  1. Free Piso WiFi Voucher Code Generator
    1. Piso WiFi Free Voucher Code Generator
  2. Piso WiFi Users
    1. How to Use Voucher Codes on Piso WiFi
  3. Piso WiFi Admins
    1. How to Generate Voucher Codes on Piso WiFi
    2. How to Enable/Disable 'Enter Voucher Code' Button on Piso WiFi

They can be generated only by vending machine admins and allow users internet access based on a set duration, data limit, or subscription plan.

Piso WiFi Free Voucher Code Generator

Voucher Code Status Time Price Expiry

On admin menu (, they, before generation, can be customized for time or data, with settings like speed limits, expiration, pausing, user limits, prefixes, and pricing.

Warning Sign

This free Piso WiFi voucher code generator is a pseudo-tool and may not work. Only Piso WiFi admins can create valid voucher codes, which are specific to their vendo machines. Use of this tool does not guarantee access and should not be relied upon.

Additionally, managing vouchers is simple on the same menu, with options to view, filter, bulk edit, auto-delete used codes, and track user details.

Piso WiFi Users

How to Use Voucher Codes on Piso WiFi

Piso WiFi time rates generally vary from 1 ₱ for 10 minutes to 10 ₱ for 1 hour, and for longer durations (2, 3, or 5 hours) or trial versions, it is better to use voucher codes exclusively created by vending machine admins, which can only be used on the designated vendo machine.

Piso WiFi Voucher Code Generate

Piso WiFi vending machines use a captive portal system that either automatically redirects you or prompts you to manually enter the address in your browser (such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.) to access the login page.

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Personal Stories

i spent most of my money for piso wifi vouchers. great. dato gyung tag-iya tungod nako kay internet is life kaayo ko and gapabuyag ang signa sa among wifi.


To connect using voucher codes, simply enter the unique 8-character code into the appropriate input box labelled 'Enter Voucher Here' on the menu, as follows:

WiFi Menu on Android and Piso WiFi

Open WiFi menu and connect to 'Piso Wifi'. on Google Chrome Address Bar

Open Google Chrome (or any browser: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.) and write to the address bar and go.

Disconnected Notification and Piso WiFi Menu

Tap Enter Voucher Here input box to write your voucher code.

Voucher Code Input Box and Submit Button on Piso WiFi Menu

Enter your 8 character voucher code, and tap Submit button.

Connected Notification and Remaining Time on Piso WiFİ

Enjoy your free WiFi time on Piso WiFi.

You may optionally enter a fake random 8-character voucher code into the live preview of Piso WiFi menu ( below to practice and understand how it works before entering the actual code in the real menu.

WiFi Disconnected Icon Disconnected

IP: | MAC: 72:FA:80:D4:C5:6B



- HR - MIN - SEC

Piso WiFi Admins

How to Generate Voucher Codes on Piso WiFi 

Piso WiFi voucher codes can only be generated by vendo machine administrators and are usable only on the device where they were created.

Localhost:, 57573 and 62893

IP Addresses, 57573, and 629893: Meaning, Why They Appear on Google Bookmarks/Shortcuts and More

It is possible to adjust the time (days, minutes, and seconds), the prefix (starting with a specific pattern such as '50XN1MDS' or '50U1NMS1H'), the data limit (Download: 1024 Kbps for 1 Mbps and Upload: 1024 Kbps for 1 Mbps, and so on), the price, and the number of vouchers—here is how:

WiFi Menu on Android and Piso WiFi

Open WiFi menu and connect to 'Piso Wifi'. on Google Chrome Address Bar

Open Google Chrome (or any browser: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.) and write to the address bar and go.

Piso WiFi Admin Login Menu

Enter Username (default: admin), Password (default: 123456789), CAPTCHA code and tap Sign In button to log into admin portal.

Piso WiFi Dashboard and Three-Vertical-Lines Button

Tap button on the top left.

Voucher Generator on Piso WiFi

Tap Voucher Generator .

Generate Voucher Button and Voucher List on Piso WiFi

Tap Generate Voucher button.

Voucher Generator Settings on Piso WiFi

Fill in the input boxes for the vouchers' amount, price, minutes, hours, days and more.

Voucher Generator Settings and Generate Button on Piso WiFi

Tap Generate to create the voucher(s).

Generated Vouchers List on Piso WiFi

See the list of generated vouchers.

After creation, you can see which vouchers are UNUSED, which have been used, which Piso IP address used them (e.g.,, and you can also bulk edit or delete the USED vouchers.

How to Enable/Disable 'Enter Voucher Code' Button on Piso WiFi 

Generated tens or hundreds of vouchers but noticed there is no 'Enter Voucher' button on the user menu? Piso WiFi

Related: Piso WiFi Meaning, Pause Time and More

No need to fret—on the admin menu (, the process is straightforward, and you can enable or disable the option anytime you want.

WiFi Menu on Android and Piso WiFi

Open WiFi menu and connect to 'Piso Wifi'. on Google Chrome Address Bar

Open Google Chrome (or any browser: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.) and write to the address bar and go.

Piso WiFi Admin Login Menu

Enter Username (default: admin), Password (default: 123456789), CAPTCHA code and tap Sign In button to log into admin portal.

Piso WiFi Dashboard and Three-Vertical-Lines Button

Tap button on the top left.

Portal Settings on Piso WiFi

Tap Portal Settings.

Insert Money, Pause/Resume Time, Voucher Code Buttons Enabling or Disabling on Piso WiFi

Find and select the Enter Voucher Code button.

Enable or Disable Options for Portal Settings on Piso WiFi

Tap Enable or Disable.

Save Changes Button on Portal Settings Menu on Piso WiFi

Tap Save Changes button to save.